Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Climate Resolution

The Windsor Park Neighborhood Association (WPNA) has formed a climate crisis committee to share information and take action on climate change at the neighborhood, city, and state level.

The committee recently drafted a climate change and global warming resolution and is asking neighbors, city, state, and national policy makers, and allied groups for feedback and potential support.

At the city and regional level, the resolution calls for:

  • Reform the land use code to slow the rate of growth of urban sprawl, taking into consideration the concerns of neighborhoods;
  • Reduce single-occupancy trips via radical improvement to public transit system ridership capacity and utilization;
  • Fully fund the Austin Bicycle & Sidewalk Master Plans;
  • Subsidize and incentivize electric-powered vehicle access;
  • Promote generous telecommute policies and universal high speed internet access;
  • Adopt a 2030 goal of 100% net-zero carbon emissions from city-controlled generation;
  • Mitigate and manage the long-term adverse health, economic, and other effects of pollution and climate change.

Many of these bullet points align with FAN’s vision and adopted positions. Read the full resolution here.

Please feel free to reply in this thread with any questions or comments. I think we should consider supporting this resolution, perhaps accompanied with our own statement emphasizing the need to adopt the land use reforms that FAN members previously voted to support.