Walk the Talk #3 - Panel & Tour of Missing Middle Housing - May 7

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/456152731260896/

Event Details below:

Imagine Austin and AIA DesignVoice present: Walk the Talk #3 - Panel and Tour of Missing Middle housing in Clarksville. This is the third in a series of panels and tours of #missingmiddle housing in neighborhoods across Austin.

Our panel features speakers who will touch on the history of Clarksville, fair housing, historic preservation, and the role CodeNEXT and the new LDC has in advancing our city’s growth through sustainable and, when appropriate, denser models of housing. We want to further educate our audience on the role missing middle housing typologies play in creating a more compact, connected, and affordable city. How does this tie into the broader scope of multi-modal transportation, income diversity, and preserving neighborhood character while also allowing for denser housing to help “fill the gap.”?

Our Panelists this time are:

Jim Robertson – City of Austin/CodeNEXT
Mary Reed – President of Clarksville Community Development Corporation.
Jessi Koch – City of Austin/Neighborhood Housing & Community Development
John Henneberger – 2014 MacArthur Foundation Fellow, Texas Low Income Housing Information Service

This is the third in a series of panel discussions and housing tours focused on "missing middle’ Housing. If you’re curious what “missing middle” housing is, visit www.missingmiddlehousing.com. You might already live in a missing middle type house, have them in your neighborhood, or know someone who lives in one.

This panel and tour endeavors to explore what missing middle housing is, what it looks like and what it means for our community. At each tour and panel we learn the challenges and opportunities that a diverse housing stock presents, and visibly what those housing types look like on a neighborhood level.

If you weren’t able to join us for the first two panels and tours, check out these links for the presentations and the video (only available for the 2nd event):

