Volunteer for Natalie for City Council, Second to Last Week!

Natalie’s campaign needs a lot of help this weekend and every day until election day!

Natalie is a great urbanist and FAN member running against hardcore anti-urbanist and ANC member Leslie Pool.

They have all sorts of task that you can help with. Dropping literature on doors, canvassing, phone calls, stapling flyers, talking to voters at the polls.

They especially need people on election day at the polls and over the next week during early voting.

If you have ANY time, they can use it. Please come out this weekend, and please feel free to message Timothy Bray on Facebook here (https://www.facebook.com/timothy.bray) or through the website here (http://nataliegauldin.com/contact/) about when/where you can help!

You can also RSVP at the Facebook Event below:


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