Support Mayor Adler's PUD Amendment With 1-Click Email (Takes A Few Seconds)

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Please support Mayor Adler’s proposed changes to Planned Unit Developments (PUDs). There is a housing crisis in Austin and we desperately need more housing options for families in order for people to continue to live in Austin. PUDs are currently the only zoning tool enabling mixed-use, mixed-income, compact and connected developments and is required to be superior to the existing City Code. PUD zoning is the primary and a legally acceptable means by which the City Council can implement on site affordable housing as a land use requirement. If PUDs are not an option, then the city of Austin will lose its ability to provide much needed affordable housing and additional housing to its residents.

Mayor Adler is proposing that there be a super-majority (3/4) vote of the City Council to approve Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning on previously unzoned land and currently zoned land ONLY if 3/4 of the Planning Commission (PC) or Zoning and Platting Commission (ZAP) vote to not recommend the zoning to Council as long as it applies to both zoned and unzoned land. This process will ensure Austinites have needed input in zoning cases, but also can’t obstruct new much needed housing for no legitimate reasons. Mayor Adler also proposed that the process be the same for both zoned and unzoned land, making the process fair and equal regardless of zoning.

Please consider emailing the city council with the feature below and let them know that you support more affordable and abundant housing options for families in Austin. This will be voted on this Thursday Feb 11.

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