Statesman Survey - Rate City Council

The Statesman survey wants to know which council members you think have done the best job so far and the worst job so far. There is also a question about Uber/Lyft regulations, which would be a great place to show how you feel about the direction of these regulations.

(In the middle of the survey on the 4th page it looked like there was a blank page, but I had to scroll up to see the rest of the questions to continue)

I’ve been most impressed with Casar and Adler and most disappointed with Pool and Tovo. I’m happy council passed relaxed rules on garage apartments, but I am deeply concerned about the direction of the short term rental and Uber/Lyft regulations.

Pete, The link to the survey doesn’t work, at least for me.
I’m anxious to weigh in on it.

Suzanne Pike
Member at Large

@vegascouponqueen Unfortunately they’ve closed their survey now. We’re just waiting on the results to see what everyone said. I’m sure someone will post here as soon as the results are released.