Shoal Creek Blvd Survey (APR-2019) (for the 100th time)

Survey, closes April 30:

COA’s Project Page:

Open House Boards:

Here’s my personal perspective:
I bike commute 3-5 days a week from near Anderson High School to downtown. I also drop my daughter off at Pillow Elementary, she rides with me on a bike on those days.

We need protected bike lanes all along the entirety of SCB. I prefer option D but would be ok with an option E if the bikeway was widened.

Other feedback:

-add elevated pedestrian crossing at all major intersections

-no slip lanes

-the path/trail under 2222 should be built regardless of the scenario

-widen pedestrian crossing paths

-shrink corner radi, especially at breaks in the protected bike lane (design speed should be less than 30mph)

-north of Foster, get rid of right-turn only lanes; the bike lanes should not cross car lanes like it does on EB Steck at Shoal Creek

Also, here’s a Cadillac SUV passes me on a double yellow after I’ve merged into the “car” lane. Notice that there was an oncoming car in the other direction that was forced into the “bike/parking” lane.