🗓 Liveable City's Household Affordability Report Release Party 🎉📔

Continuing the discussion from FAN Needed to Talk about Affordability:

I was invited to this event on Facebook tomorrow evening. I thought some FANs might like to go.

:calendar_spiral: Affordability Report Release–May 26, 2016

Liveable City will release the report “Reclaiming Affordability in Today’s Austin,” at Scholz’s, 1607 San Jacinto, on May 26th. Doors open at 6pm, with a presentation at 6:45pm followed by an informal Q&A session.

“Reclaiming Affordability in Today’s Austin” examines seven basic cost categories that significantly impact household budgets - taxes, housing, transportation, health care, utilities, food, and telecommunications - and identifies steps to improve affordability for each, often involving a connection to one or more additional policy areas. The report focuses on local policies and initiatives to limit cost pressures across multiple elements of household budgets, especially for middle- and lower-income households.

Because affordability pressures are tied to many factors, reclaiming affordability requires a community-wide commitment. We hope you will join Liveable City for this important conversation.

You can RSVP here: Liveable City's Household Affordability Report Release Party