Leslie Pool, "Building Blocks for a Healthy, Sustainable and Affordable Austin"

Leslie Pool, “Building Blocks for a Healthy, Sustainable and Affordable Austin”

Jan 10, 2015, at Noon

The Public Affairs Forum is held at 12 noon on most Sundays in the Sanctuary at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, sponsor of the forum. The Church is located at 4700 Grover. These one-hour forums are open to the public and admission is free.

Council Member Pool, who represents District 7 and chairs the city’s Open Space, Environment & Sustainability Committee, has woven together several policies to create a strong environmental and economic future for Austin. She holds a common sense constituent-formed vision of a healthy, sustainable and affordable Austin. Come hear what she has to say and take part in this important discussion. She will have just returned from the global climate change conference in Paris.

Leslie Pool was sworn into Austin City Council on Jan. 6, 2015. Prior to becoming the elected representative for District 7, Council Member Pool served in the Travis County Constable’s Office, volunteered on the board of Liveable City, and was a co-founder of the Bull Creek Road Coalition, an affiliation of seven neighborhoods and a stakeholder group in the sale and development of state-owned property along Bull Creek Road. Prior to going to work for Travis County, Council Member Pool worked at the National Wildlife Federation, the Texas Department of Transportation, and served in the offices of U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett and the late U.S. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen. Council Member Pool attended graduate school at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas in the mid-career master’s degree program, and was a member of Leadership Austin’s class of 1999-2000. She and Will Grover live in the Rosedale neighborhood.

See http://austinuu.org/wp2013/community/public-forum/ for more information.

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