Kickoff Meetings: Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD)

Capital Metro is hosting two meetings that could profoundly impact the success of Project Connect.

WHAT: Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD)
WHEN: Tuesday, November 16⋅5:00 – 6:30pm

WHAT: Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD)
WHEN: Wednesday, November 17, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

As many of you know, the more people live, work, and shop near transit, the more successful transit can be. So as the Project Connect vision moves forward, Capital Metro and others are working on initiatives for “transit-oriented development”.

One component of this initiative is an attempt to ensure development near transit is “equitable”. Striving to enable as diverse a population as possible to live near, and benefit from, transit is an important goal. Yet depending on the policy levers the city uses to try to achieve that outcome, it could either be successful or inadvertently result in less diversity and fewer homes, jobs, and shopping near transit than simply legalizing more dense development along transit corridors.

For example, so-called “density bonus” programs, which place well-intentioned conditions on dense development, can result in less density and less overall affordability than unconditionally legalizing more development (see here and here).

Please be part of the conversation and help legalize the kind of development that will make Project Connect successful.