FAN in the Statesmen

Check it out - we get a mention in the Statesmen along with some other great orgs


"The arrival of the new groups has brought significant discord to
neighborhood conversations, both on social media and in public meetings,
said Mary Ingle, president of the Austin Neighborhoods Council.

‘I feel like (the Austin Neighborhoods Council) has conducted (itself) in a
very civil manner and if these groups want to exist, fine, just stay
out of our business and don’t try to bring down our organizations,’
Ingle said."

Lovely lady. Tacitly admitting that there exists organized groups who disagree with ANC, that these groups are enjoying significant success, and that she would brush them aside so she can get back to lining her ducks up in a row as she sees fit. And, that her organization possesses some entitlement to it’s current position.


She’s a real charmer!

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I just put a link to the article on the Crestview Neighborhood Association Facebook page at

Same old Austin American Statesman. Choose polar opposites. Throw out some red meat. Then watch them fight.
Really bad reporting. The take away for the great unwashed is "oh yimby and nimby two birds of a feather."
Yeah, finally we are noticed but do you see how? Doesn’t advance any of our concerns. Doesn’t spotlight any strategies for those concerns. We haven’t gotten that message across so I would say so far we are failing.

I think it’s a positive article about FAN. My favorite part is Brian Gannon’s description of urbanism.

“What you get with (an urbanist approach) is restaurants, efficient public transportation, walkable neighborhoods, more affordable housing, businesses with universal appeal,” said Gannon, who lives in a subdivision in the Crestview neighborhood designed partly to draw riders to MetroRail. “YIMBY means, if you work with developers, you can get what you want — as long as you get it in writing.”

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Interestingly enough, I found myself shaking Mrs. Ingle’s hand at the quarterly CT training just 2 days later, 5 hour ago… I wonder who else I can summon by evoking their name here? lol