Hey FANs,
I want to share that Ecology Action of Texas is hosting is first Urban Ecology youth day camp the week of June 13-17. The camp will involve a series of learning and playing opportunities at their Circle Acres campus in Montopolis and is open to kids ages 5-10.
If you are unfamiliar with Ecology Action, they’re perhaps Austin’s oldest environmental non-profit, whose mission has been landfill diversion, brownfield remediation and zero waste initiatives. Their efforts were instrumental in bringing recycling to Austin (anyone remember when you had to drive your recyclables down to their downtown center on IH35 before the City started recycling?) and are continuing their service with the stewardship of the Circle Acres site, a former quarry and landfill.
Those of you with kids may be interested in participating in this program and I hope others will consider sharing info about this camp with any families you think might be interested. More information is available here: http://www.ecology-action.org/ecocamp/