Downtown Parking Input from FANs

The City of Austin’s transportation department is seeking input from FANs about downtown parking, and more specifically the street and metered parking. They have invited us to participate in a session.

We can put together a panel of FANs and have each of you provide your perspectives. We’ve adopted this format for issues where the membership has not voted and FAN has not taken an official position.

Who would like to be a part of the panel?

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There is still street parking available downtown? :wink:

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Ha! The reason for this outreach effort is partially to discuss ways of dealing with downtown parking supply and demand. Some of the challenges and possible solutions may at some point apply in other neighborhoods.

I would be happy to be part of the panel.

We may have finally found a topic I know something about… having lived downtown 23 years, been a small group citizen participant in the residential parking (street) & parking benefit district (meter) ordinances, & been a residential parking coordinator for 16 years…

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