District 7 Runoff: Dec 14th!

Hello friends and neighbors,

There’s a runoff happening in District 7 - none of the candidates got a majority on election day - and I highly recommend voting for Mike Siegel! He’s a former public school teacher and current civil rights lawyer who supports more affordable housing and will fight for better public transportation.

Early voting already started and ends next week on 12/10. Next Saturday (12/14) is voting day. You can learn more & find your district here: Support housing and transit — Vote Mike Siegel for Austin’s District 7 Runoff! - AURA. Do you have a plan to vote? These runoff elections tend to have very low turnout so your vote will go a long way!

You can find your district here to see if you’re in D7: Government | AustinTexas.gov

Voting times and locations at Current Election – Travis County Clerk

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