Attend CodeNEXT Brown Bag: The Basics of Form-Based Code (Jun 23, 2015)

Consider coming to the CodeTALK Brown Bag event about form based codes!

Event link:

Ask the CodeNEXT team questions and learn more about what form based code is.

Austinites are invited to meet the CodeNEXT team June 23 and learn about a modern method for designing cities.

As the City of Austin pursues making Austin’s land development code more flexible and easier to use, this CodeNEXT will shed light on one of the tools – form-based coding – being considered for designing places around local character.

What is form-based code? Traditionally cities set broad rules for land uses in various parts of town. “Form-based code” is a more modern way to design each place in our city around local character.

If you missed the CodeNEXT Brown Bag: The Basics of Form-Based Code event, you can view the entire event at the link below! Check it out and learn all about form-based code.