ANALYSIS: CodeNEXT and Missing Middle Housing

Following up on the TWC/Spectrum News report on CodeNEXT and missing middle housing, land use attorney Chris Bradford has analyzed the draft code that the CodeNEXT team recently rolled out. Chris has produced a simple matrix showing what sorts of housing the new code would allow.

Given his chart, do you think the new code would enable a diversity of people to live in our neighborhoods?

I think we should give a little more time before FAN officially reacts to the CodeNEXT draft, but I propose we eventually vote on a resolution focusing on:

  1. The extent to which the code fosters a diversity of housing types throughout the city, per the FAN vision, and per page 201 of Imagine Austin. Chris Bradford’s matrix will be very helpful for deciding what our reaction should be.
  2. Reiterating our request for the projected impacts on the complete communities indicators.
  3. Social equity and the Housing Development Toolkit.