Affordability in Austin a recent video by the commercial board of realtors

Here a recent video that summarizes some of the issues around affordability and effectively gives Austin a “poor grade” in facility and supporting the process.

This is not just an issue for big developers or small. The poorly written development code effectively increases the cost of homes, taxes and prevents homeowners from receiving permits in a timely fashion or even getting approval. In other words it effects all of us. That is why we must support “Code Next” to codify the goals of Imagine Austin so that we can have smart growth in Austin.


This video is so bad that our opponents are spreading it around to discredit us

Thank you for the heads up. The video will resonate with homeowners caught in the vice between neighborhood associations and the city permitting process. You have to answer the question why are housing prices skyrocketing. In my view its not the developers. Its unrealistic not well thought out adds to the fees and cost of building that ultimately get laid on the back of the homeowner and the renter.

I think “homeowners caught in the vice between neighborhood associations and the city permitting process” is a fairly small constituency unfortunately

You have to answer the question why are housing prices skyrocketing. In my view its not the developers. Its unrealistic not well thought out adds to the fees and cost of building that ultimately get laid on the back of the homeowner and the renter.

I agree, I just don’t think this video makes that case in a way that people who haven’t actually tried to remodel/rebuild their homes most people, in other words) will find credible.