A Thank-You from the City's CodeNEXT Team

Matthew Lewis, who heads up the City’s CodeNEXT and Imagine Austin efforts, sent this email thanking FANs for their participation in the recent CodeNEXT Sound Check. I have his permission to share it here:

FAN Members,

Thank you for attending the CodeNEXT Sound Check. Your attendance contributed to an exciting week of great conversations between City of Austin staff, the Mayor, members of the City Council, members of the Planning Commission, Opticos Design, Code Advisory Group members, residents, business owners, and community organizations around what future development and preservation could look and feel like in Austin. Throughout the week the CodeNEXT Team was able to test various proposed code standards and share those results with hundreds of Austinites. We’re still working through the results of our testing and reflecting on the written comments and conversations that occurred throughout the week. Within the coming weeks we will release a report summarizing the testing and findings from the Sound Check. In the meantime, feel free to view the closing presentation, brown bag presentations, and various documents that informed our work here.

We appreciate your time and dedication, and look forward to your continued participation in the CodeNEXT process.

Cheers and Happy Holidays,
CodeNEXT Team

Thanks to all FANs who went to CodeNEXT Sound Check sessions and provided valuable neighborhood input and feedback.


And thanks to Matt and Jim Robertson and Paul Diguiseppe and so many others for leading the charge! Much needed and long overdue.

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