I'm part of a small community group working to make our neighborhood even better by publicizing the small, poorly attended NA's activities in a timely manner and to bring more people in to the meetings. Our neighbors deserve to have a voice along with everyone else. Our NA, indeed, our neighborhood's NAME is largely unknown to our residents! The DNA run a highly-censored Yahoo Group forum, so we launched a new, uncensored forum on Nextdoor. DNA conspired with ND to seize our forum from us by having themselves made the moderators! We also launched a neighborhood website in Jan 2014 after DNA vetoed the idea of having one (they've abandoned 3 websites in the past). So they launched their own "official" website a year later with no community participation. They ignored our petition to hold a vote on several policy changes to bring our Agenda and Minutes to our neighbors in a timely manner, and held a distorted survey to misrepresent our ideas and try to discredit them. The survey showed that most people supported our ideas, and if we'd voted that day, 5 of 6 motions would have passed. So they withheld the survey results 10 weeks, and then lied about the results (right next to the numbers which contradicted them).