Time to weigh in on The Grove?

I think this resolution is great. Like Pete, I, too, wanted it to be more generally applicable to all PUDs, but after another read of Evan’s wording, I think this strikes a good balance between overall FAN principles and some very specific language on the Grove in particular. My fear is that a more general resolution may not hold as much weight as one that has been voted on by the FAN membership, naming the Grove at Shoal Creek, so there is no mistaking our intent. This ties our ideals to a very real world example.

Thanks for your work on this!

OK, so how do we get this up for a vote? I think we’re racing the clock against the June 21st ZAP meeting. And if ZAP does not approve the PUD, or if they vote to significantly reduce the density, the Grove as currently planned could be dead.

The process is for at least one member of the FAN board to sponsor the resolution. When a FAN board member sponsors a resolution, it does not necessarily mean that she favors the resolution, only that she believes it is consistent with the FAN vision, is not frivolous, and is ready for a vote of the membership.

I’ve definitely expressed in my own NA that I’m not amenable to a lot of the seemingly quid-pro-quo resolutions that a lot of N’hood Associations have been spreading amongst themselves. This kind of behavior somewhat undermines the 10-1 aspect of City govt, but I’m also not so sure I’m behind the 10-1 structure. There’s a lot of mixed feeling on my end is what I’m getting at here.

I also could see how a resolution to add the amount of housing proposed at The Grove would be beneficial to the City at large and an example of the implementation of Imagine Austin initiatives.

If we’ve come to a stopping point on anyone submitting more edits on this particular resolution, I suppose the rest should be left up to members to decide if this indeed fits their idea of what a FAN Resolution should work toward. It doesn’t hurt to put it to a vote. Putting this forth doesn’t mean FAN necessarily supports it, and the outcome could help us understand whether or not targeted issues like this are important for our members.

I’ll make the motion here to go forward with the wording of this resolution by 5:30 CST Thursday, as a vote to the membership if no more edits are suggested before then.

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I second the motion. I definitely favor the development and Evan’s resolution.

@alyshalynn, I’m going to take the position that this resolution is exactly the type of thing we not only need to have, but need to do much more often - real world examples where land use decisions are being made, and how it ties into the FAN vision + Imagine Austin.

Our member NA’s sometimes experience similar challenges, and we certainly share many at a city wide level, so it would seem like the point is to have NA’s work together to deal with them, which FAN should encourage and aid. In my humble opinion, it’s in the more is needed category.

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With no suggested edits to this resolution after our outreach to members, it looks like this specific language will be going to a vote with a few others in the upcoming days.

Watch your inboxes for your Helios voting ballots and check out the other discussions going on now:

Homestead Exemptions

Complete Communities Indicators

Carport Exemption

I’m baffled by this poorly-formatted email I just got from Helios. It claims I just voted, when I have not:

Dear Chad Vanderlinden,



Election URL:  https://vote.heliosvoting.org/helios/e/june-2016-resolutions/vote
Election Fingerprint:  JgkhggffdJhgfkuhgkfjfjtfJfjftYtrjhvbgfJjgvj

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Your voter ID: thiswasntmyrealidanyway
Your password: norwasthismyrealpassword


The first part was mistakenly added in. You haven’t voted unless you have voted. =) The ballots have been resent.